Enhancing Lives. Working side by side with children, family & communities

02 6361 4093

Groups and Programs

Play and Explore Group
This group is for little people aged 3 years and under.
This group is run by our educator and physiotherapy staff and focuses on creating a no pressure, engaging play and social environment for your children to explore and develop, whilst also providing a place and connection for parents/carers.
Each week our team will provide activities to support and encourage your children to learn the developmental milestones they are currently working towards.
Parents/carers are required to stay with their child for the program.
Costs for the group will come from your child's NDIS funding and will depend on the number of children and staff.
Rhythm & Rhymes Group
This group is for children aged 2 -4 years. This group harnesses the power of music in a fun setting whilst also exploring language, social participation, rhythm, singing and movement. We will engage in action/movement songs, sing a-longs, expressive dancing and playing musical instrument's.
Parents and carers are required to stay for the group, participating in action/movement songs, playing simple instruments and singing basic songs and nursery rhymes.
Costs for the group will come from your child's NDIS funding and will depend on the number of children and staff.

Little Movers Playgroup
This group is for children aged 4 - 7 years. This group targets gross and fine motor skills in an inclusive environment where children will be supported to develop their social-emotional and play skills and create wider social connections.
The group is run by Physiotherapists and potentially an Allied Health Assistants depending on the number of children attending. This allows us to utilise the broader skillset of our providers to meet the needs of your child in a holistic manner.
Parents/carers are not required to stay with their child for the program.
Costs for the group will come from your child's NDIS funding and will depend on the number of children and staff.
School Readiness Program
This group is for children transitioning to kindergarten in 2025. We focus on fine and motor skills, social skills, emotional regulation, self help skills and transitions, listening, following instructions and much more!
Parents/carers are not required to stay with their child for the program. Your child will need to bring a hat, a snack and a drink bottle to all sessions.
Costs for the group will come from your child's NDIS funding and will depend on the number of children and staff.

Funky Fingers Fingergym
Is your child (and their fingers) ready to get funky?
Funky Fingers Fingergym is for 4 to 7 year olds offering activities targeting the strengthening of the smaller muscles in the hands and fingers. these exercises are designed to support the development of pencil control and also encourages language and communication skills as children move through the stations.
Sessions will be facilitated by an Educator and an Allied Health Assistant.
Parents/carers are not required to stay with their child for the program.

ODEEP offers the very successful Parents as Teachers Program to all parents in the Orange, Cabonne and Blayney region. Each week parents with new babies from birth to 12 months will meet with other new parents along with the ODEEP educator. Families have the opportunity to interact with other families and share common parenting concerns or accomplishments. Each session will provide an opportunity to learn about and receive information relating to a different area of child development. Practical demonstrations and hands on involvement will assist in ways to actively stimulate your baby's development. Throughout the play there is further opportunity to share and discuss the joys and challenges that may arise in this age group.
Families with babies from birth to 12 months of age are encouraged to participate. They may remain in the program until the child is two and a half to three years old.
Parents as Teachers groups are built on the idea of community. We invite anyone who would like to learn more about Teachers as Parents at ODEEP to come see our work in action at one of our sessions. If interested please call 02 6361 4093.
When: Fridays during school terms
Where: At ODEEP
Time: 9.00 am to 12.00pm
Age: Birth to School age

When: Fortnightly on Mondays during school terms.
Time: 9.30am to 11.45am
Eligibility: MyTime is open to anyone who caring for a child with disability, developmental delay, or chronic medical condition. Groups are open to everyone, regardless of the condition of their child. Children below school age may also attend groups with their parent or carer.
If you are unsure about your eligibility, please call Sharlene Visman on 02 6361 4093